Sunday, December 20, 2009

RIP Brittany Murphy

Last night Brittany Murphy passed away from cardiac arrest. I couldn't help but remember a quotation she gave to the tabloids four years ago when she lost a ton of weight and people accused her of being on coke:

"I have never tried it in my entire life. I've never seen it. I am also way too high-strung. I can't even take a Sudafed. Can you imagine? My God, I think my heart would explode!"


Anyway, Clueless is one of my all-time favorite movies (and the source of my blog title) so I find this news to be extremely sad. RIP Brittany, you will be missed.


  1. you will be missed, brittany. you were a beautiful person.

  2. Can you update us on what you think happened??? I've heard so many conflicting stories like anorexia and coke and her husband being a crazy... I want to know what you think really happened
