Monday, November 30, 2009

Ashley Tisdale: just hangin' out next door

Have you ever wished you weren't such a shy LOSER? That's how I feel about the fact that two years ago, I declined an invitation from my mom to go next door with her to meet our new neighbors, the Speers. Their son, Scott Speer, is a super hunky music video director who is now dating Ashley Tisdale. My mom says his parents are awesome, and he seems like a really nice guy (See holding Ashley's LV, above). Anyway, I don't hate Ashley for preempting me with Scott. In fact, for some reason I kind of love her. Maybe it's because, despite the RIDICULOUS amount of money she has, she still seems kind of down to earth. Her Twitter account is all about getting her nails done and going to the gym--kind of feels like we are best friends already. Oh, and I totally don't judge her for getting a nose job. She had a DEVIATED SEPTUM people! Jeez.


  1. guess where scott speer went to college... that's right! FIGHT ON ;)

  2. Thats totally how i feel in the library all the time
